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KERRYGOLD: Dubliner Cheese, 7 oz

SKU: KHFM00297080Available Order Processed Within 24 Hours

Product Description

Complex. Worldly. Somewhat sweet, somewhat nutty. All of these words just as easily describe our Dubliner Cheese as they do the city of Dublin, Ireland itself. So it isn’t hard to see where we drew our inspiration for this decidedly Irish cheese.Dubliner is a robust aged cow’s milk cheese with a bit of a hard texture similar to a Cheddar. In one bite you can taste the diversity of flavors – from nutty to sharp to sweet – that can only come from a natural cheese made from the milk of grass-fed cows. What might seem ambiguous is actually a well-balanced mix of cheese cultures and naturally occurring amino acids. This diversity pays off in its ability to be served alongside a full-bodied wine like Cabernet, a freshly pulled pint of Guinness, or simply melted between a few slices of crusty brown bread. Dubliner Cheese is even available in a Reduced Fat version.


All our orders are processed within 24 hours.

All orders should be delivered within 7 - 14 working days.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation you may experience a delay with your order. We will notify any customer who's order has been affected asap regarding this.


Orders placed with us may take up to 5 business days to be completely processed, depending on their content and the time of the year.

COVID-19 update: due to the state of emergency, the lead-times for our orders have increased to 2+ weeks. 

Orders that are canceled prior to crossing the 3 weeks mark may not be refunded fully - all orders that have been fully or partially processed by the time we receive a cancellation notice are subject to our 25% restocking fee. 

If the order is to be subjected to a restocking fee, a confirmation request is sent to a customer where we ask that the customer confirms that they still wish for the order to be canceled. Such orders will only be put on hold and refunded after we receive the confirmation from the customer. 

The restocking fee may also apply to orders that contain over 5 different SKUs in case we have more than 50% of products available and the customer refuses to have the order shipped out partially.